BM Cảnh Quan Hoa Viên ĐH Nông Lâm TP.HCM


The L.E.H is an independent department, belonging directly to the UAF‘s Board of Rector. It was founded in August 2002 according to the decision of Ministry of Education & Training allowing UAF to set up this regular department. It’s planned to develop into the following sub departmnents:

  • Landscape Planning and Design Department
  • Landscape Reserving & Managing Department
  • Urban Forestry Department
  • Enviromental Horticulture Department

Its main duty is to train Bachelor Engineer of Landscaping and Enviromental Horticulture with the two majors: Enviromental Horticulture and Landscape Design.

After graduating from LEH, students can work in state organizations such as: Head Architecture Office, Architecture and Planning Service, Transport and Public Works Service, Building Service, Greenery and Park Company, Urban Works Company, National Parks, Nature Conservation zones, Biosphere Reservation zones,… or private companies such as: Exporting Processing Zones, Industrial Zones, Green stimulating agencies, Golfs, Ecotourism Companies or set up their own companies.

Besides teaching, here are some other tasks of the department:

·        Consulting, planning, designing and executing landscape and horticulture works in urban centers, industrial zones, exporting process zones, entertainment parks, companies, garden houses, villas…

·        Enrolling short-term courses about planting and maintaining trees, flowers

·        Operating researches about other fields relevant to the department.

The teaching staff of the department consists of 1 PhD, 9 Masters include 1 abroad PhD student, 1 PhD student.

In addition, LEH is supported by senior lecturers from faculties of Agronomy, Forestry, Land and Real Estate Management, Biological Technology, Environment Technology…

Some of the lecturers are invited from University of Architecture, University of Natural Science, University of Art.

About international relationship, the Department cooperates with “Wild Life at Risk” organization, MaijoUniversity, National Chung Hsing University.


Department of Landscaping & Environmental Horticulture

Faculty of Environment & Resources

The University of Agriculture and Forestry (Nong Lam University)

Phone: (84) (28) 3722.0723/ (84) (93) 522.2276





Page count: 3629
Last modify: 16-05-2022

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